Dr. Franziska Kobe and Aleksandra Krikunova, new BAP PhD student at Freie Universitaet Berlin, recently attended the European Pollen Database (EPD) Open Science Meeting in Prague from June 1-3, 2022. https://pastglobalchanges.org/calendar/128846

Message and photos from Franziska: Although we did not present, we learned a lot at the numerous presentations and workshops and met many colleagues who might be helpful for our future work. I’m glad we went there! About the photos: One is, of course, of Alexandra and me. The other one shows a bag that I decorated with pollen stamps that were brought to the meeting by another participant. Then a spooky picture that I took when visiting the Prague Castle. There was a historic dungeon with a torture chamber! 😮

Message and photos from Aleksandra: There was a very interesting excursion on the last day of the conference in the Karlstejn area near Prague. We have seen there the Silurian Devonian boundary which was accepted as an auxiliary type section by the International Geological Congress in Montreal in 1972. Next photo is Karlstejn Castle.