Dr. Tengwen Long is Associate Professor in Geographical Sciences at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. His research interests cover a range of topics in physical geography, with a particular emphasis on the intricate interactions between humans and the environment. A key area of his study is the origins of agriculture, where he employs a multidisciplinary approach that integrates geo-, bio‑, and historical social sciences methods.
Dr Long’s career is marked by a steadfast commitment to international and interdisciplinary collaborations. He completed his PhD in Trinity College Dublin (TCD), the University of Dublin, Ireland, having developed expertise in analysing Quaternary pollen and spores, diatoms, and phytoliths. His PhD project focused on Holocene human-environment interactions on the southern Yangtze Delta in China, notably environmental context for the origin and development of rice-based agriculture in this global centre for rice domestication.
During his postdoc stay in Berlin, he was involved in several interdisciplinary projects jointly hosted by Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute (Prof. Mayke Wagner) and Institute of Geological Sciences at Free University of Berlin (Prof. Pavel Tarasov). Since then, he is also involved in the BAP-related research and publications of the Berlin Team.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Chronological modelling, Radiocarbon dating, Palaeoecology, Geoarchaeology, Human-environment interactions, Origins of agriculture
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