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Media & Public Outreach

BHAP is featured in the documentary Code Breakers, produced by Clearwater Media Inc.

Below are BHAP-related media (radio, television, online news items) appearances from 2011-2017. Items are listed by BHAP team member in alphabetical order.

Jordan, Peter (Material Culture Studies: World’s Earliest Pottery)
2013 April 13. Japanese press coverage (11 articles) for Nature paper (496: 351-354) entitled “Earliest evidence for the use of pottery”. アルバムを表示
 April 11. “Die ersten Fischköche” – Radio interview with Lucian Haas, Deutschlandfunk. Function of world’s earliest pottery. Note: Also appeared on website as text: Die ersten Fischköche. Neues Analyseverfahren ermöglicht Nachweis organischer Reste in Jahrtausende alter Töpferware. http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/die-ersten-fischkoeche.676.de.html?dram:article_id=243178

Lieverse, Angela (Bioarchaeology: Ancient humans)
2017 August 11. “Ancient spinal injury: a story of survival” – Print interview with Chris Putnam, On Campus News (University of Saskatchewan). https://news.usask.ca/articles/research/2017/ancient-spinal-injury-a-story-of-survival.php
2017 April 13. “Quirks & Question: How can I guarantee I’ll become a fossil after I die?” – Guest Answer, Quirks and Quarks (CBC Radio One).http://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/pulling-water-from-air-vibrating-buildings-and-support-for-research-needs-a-rethink-1.4069962/quirks-questions-how-can-i-guarantee-i-ll-become-a-fossil-after-i-die-1.4069998
2015 May 12. “Resurrecting the past” – Print interview with Ashleigh Mattern, Arts & Science Magazine, Green and White Edition (University of Saskatchewan).http://issuu.com/art-science-uofs/docs/a_s_spring_2015/1?e=4328288/12862055

Death by Twins
2015 May 12. Skype interview with Inga Wonnemann, PM History Magazine (Germany).
2015 May 12. Emailed image to Anna Amarowicz of Polityka weekly magazine (Warsaw, Poland).
2015 March 18. “Trauriger Fund auf jungsteinzeitlichem Friedhof” – Print interview with Angelika Franz, Speigel Online (German news website out of Hamburg). http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/tod-waehrend-der-geburt-aeltester-fall-aus-sibirien-a-1024204.html
2015 March 11. Email interview with Polly Heffer, Current World Archaeology Magazine, Issue 70.
2015 February 24. “World roundup” – Article by Samir Patel, Archaeology Magazine). https://www.archaeology.org/issues/176-1505/world
2015 February 11. TV interview with Kevin Stanfield, Global Saskatoon morning newshttp://globalnews.ca/news/1820559/saskatchewan-scientist-finds-oldest-set-of-twins/
2015 February 11. “The earliest record of human twins” – Radio interview with Bob MacDonald, Quirks and Quarks (CBC Radio One). http://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/quirks-quarks-for-feb-14-2015-1.2956633/the-earliest-record-of-human-twins-1.2956721
2015 February 10. Radio interview with John Gormley, News Talk 650 CKOM (Saskatoon).
2015 February 10. TV interview with Meaghan Craig, Global Saskatoon Evening news.
2015 February 10. TV interview with Nitish Bissonauth, CTV Saskatoon Evening newshttp://saskatoon.ctvnews.ca/video?binId=1.1165960
2015 February 10. “Oldest twin remains found in Siberia” – Print interview with Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery Newshttps://www.seeker.com/oldest-twin-remains-found-in-siberia-1769514119.html
2015 February 9. Phone interview with Clare Clancy, Canadian Press.
2015 February 9. “Saskatchewan archaeologist finds oldest twins in Siberian cemetery” – Print interview with Jeremy Warren, Star Phoenix (Saskatoon).
2015 February 8. “Le plus ancien décès au cours d’un accouchement découvert en Sibérie” – Print article by Bernadette Arnaud, Sciences et Avenir (Paris).
2015 February 5. “Ancient grave in Siberia yields earliest example of twins” – Print article by Damon Scheleur, AOL Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/earliest-twins-siberia_n_6619340
2015 February 4. Radio interview with Craig Lederhouse, CBC Saskatchewan’s Afternoon Edition (CBC Radio One).
2015 February 4. “Prehistoric grave may be earliest example of death during childbirth” – Print interview with Megan Gannon, LiveScience.com.http://www.livescience.com/49680-siberia-grave-mother-twins.html

Ancient Cancer
2014 December 10. “4,500-year-old cancer in human fossils” – Radio interview with Bob McDonald, Quirks and Quarks (CBC Radio One). http://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/quirks-quarks-for-dec-13-2014-1.2874916/4-500-year-old-cancer-in-human-fossils-1.2874961
2014 December 9. TV interview with Lisa Dutton, Global Saskatoon Morning News.
2014 December 8. Radio interview with John Gormley, News Talk 650 CKOM (Saskatoon).
2014 December 5. TV interview with Dan Matheson, CTV National Newshttp://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=508137&playlistId=1.2135670&binId=1.810401&playlistPageNum=1&binPageNum=1
2014 December 4. Radio interview with Garth Materie, SK’s Blue Sky (CBC Radio One), 12:15 pm
2014 December 4. Radio interview with Audrey Paris, (Radio-Canada, Regina), 1:00 pm
2014 December 4. Print interview with Jonathan Charlton, Saskatoon Star Phoenix.
2014 December 4. Radio interview with Larry Fedoruk, News Talk 610 CKTB (St. Catharines, ON).
2014 December 4. TV interview with Brady Knight, CTV News Saskatoon.
2014 December 3. Phone interview with Chris Purdy of the Canadian Press

“Point Taken”
2014 August 11. “The case of the missing incisors” – Print interview with Samir Patel, Archaeology Magazinehttp://www.archaeology.org/issues/146-1409/trenches/2374-siberia-mystery-tooth-burial 
2014 July 11. TV interview with Jeff Rogstad, CTV Saskatoon News at Noon (interviewed live with Isaac Pratt, PhD student in Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Saskatchewan).
2014 July 2. “An ancient killing reveals genetic anomaly” – Radio interview with Marc Montgomery, Radio Canada Internationalhttp://www.rcinet.ca/en/2014/07/02/an-ancient-killing-reveals-genetic-anomaly/
2014 June. “Siberian Bronze Age skull reveals secrets of ancient society” – Print interview with Mark Ferguson, Canadian Light Source.https://phys.org/news/2014-06-siberian-bronze-age-skull-reveals.html (June 19, 2014) and http://www.heritagedaily.com/2014/07/siberian-bronze-age-skull-reveals-secrets-of-ancient-society/103922 (July 2014)

Losey, Robert (Zooarchaeology: Ancient dog burials & prehistoric family pets)
2018 January 10. “Feeling down? Try a dose of dog” – Print article, Faculty of Arts News (University of Alberta). https://www.ualberta.ca/arts/faculty-news/2018/january/feeling-down-try-a-dose-of-dog
2017 November 17. “Are these the oldest images of dogs?” – Comments in article by Sarah Gibbens, National Geographichttps://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/11/ancient-dog-rock-art-arabian-desert-cliff-images-spd/
2017 May 4. “Canadian researchers count on Siberian reindeer herders to solve archaeological mystery” – Radio & print interview with Levon Sevunts, Radio Canada Internationalhttp://www.rcinet.ca/eye-on-the-arctic/2017/05/04/canadian-researchers-count-on-siberian-reindeer-herders-to-solve-archaeological-mystery/ (with Dr. Tatiana Nomokonova)
2016 July 19. “2,000-year-old dog burials in Siberia reveal relationship between ancient people and their pets” – Print article by Natalia Klimczak, Ancient Originshttp://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/2000-year-old-dog-burials-siberia-reveal-relationship-between-ancient-020904
2016 July 18. “2,000-year-old dog graveyard discovered in Siberia” – Print interview with Tom Metcalfe, Live Sciencehttps://www.livescience.com/55415-ancient-dog-graveyard-discovered.html
2016 June 15. “People treated some dogs like family, Alberta archeologist says of findings at ancient burial site” – Print interview with Ainslie Cruickshank, Edmonton Journalhttp://edmontonjournal.com/storyline/people-treated-some-dogs-like-family-alberta-archeologist-says-of-findings-at-ancient-burial-site
2016 March 7. “Human-dog bond dates back to ancient times, research shows” – Print interview with Wallis Snowdon, CBC Newshttp://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/human-dog-bond-dates-back-to-ancient-times-research-shows-1.3479691
2016 March 7. “Siberia holds the key to the human love affair with dogs” – Print interview, The Siberian Timeshttp://siberiantimes.com/science/opinion/news/n0608-siberia-holds-the-key-the-human-love-affair-with-dogs/?nf=News
2016 March 4. “Puppy love: U of A researcher unpacks the bond between dogs and humans” – Radio interview with Portia Clark, Radio Active (CBC Radio One, Edmonton). http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2684834042 and http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/programs/radioactive/puppy-love-u-of-a-researcher-unpacks-the-bond-between-dogs-and-humans-1.3477300
2016 March 3. “Siberia’s ancient dog burials” – Print article, Archaeologyhttps://www.archaeology.org/news/4230-160303-siberia-domesticated-dogs
2016 March 1. “Reading an ancient bond in the look of puppy love” – Print interview with Geoff McMaster, folio (University of Alberta). https://www.folio.ca/reading-an-ancient-bond-in-the-look-of-puppy-love
2016 February 26. “UAlberta anthropologist Robert Losey unearths ancient dogs” – YouTube video, University of Albertahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=281Il1bTBpY
2013 May 30. “A pet cemetery from 10 thousand years ago: How archeologist Robert Losey discovered some interesting details about ancient dogs. And the hunters and gatherers who may have considered them a part of the family” – Radio interview, CBC Radio One
2013 May 22. “Prehistoric dog lovers liked seafood, jewelry, spirituality” – Print interview with Jen Viegas, Discovery Newshttps://www.seeker.com/prehistoric-dog-lovers-liked-seafood-jewelry-spirituality-1767552103.html and http://www.kaogu.cn/en/International_exchange/Academic_activities___/2013/1025/31149.html
2013. Radio interviews with CBC Radio One (Edmonton, Calgary, Kelowna, and Saskatoon) regarding 2013 publication PLoS One (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0063740)
2013. Print article in Discovery News, regarding 2013 publication in PLoS One (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0063740)
2012. TV interview, AC Baikal TV (Irkutsk, Russia). Television coverage of 3D scanning equipment installed by Dr. Losey at Irkutsk State Technical University.
2011 February 28. “Prehistoric dog lived, died among humans” – Print interview with Jen Viegas, Discovery Newshttps://www.seeker.com/prehistoric-dog-lived-died-among-humans-1765181907.html and http://www.nbcnews.com/id/41830341/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/prehistoric-dog-lived-died-among-humans/ (This segment subsequently generated a range of covered in many countries and in many different formats, including academic and non-academic blogs, discussion boards, and even dog food company websites!)
2011 October 12. “Animal shot in January confirmed as wolf” – Print article, The Drumheller Mail. http://www.drumhellermail.com/news/news-drumheller/10463-animal-shot-in-january-confirmed-as-wolf
2011 October 7. “Prehistoric Dog Found with Mammoth Bone in Mouth” – Comments in print article by Jen Viegas, Discovery News. https://www.seeker.com/prehistoric-dog-found-with-mammoth-bone-in-mouth-1765459174.html & Radio interview with Radio New Zealand.
2011. “В ранненеолитических захоронениях человека обнаружили собаку и волка” – Print interview with Наталия Рудая, Kommersant (Russia). http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1638963/print

Nomokonova, Tatiana (Zooarchaeology: Ancient dog burials!)
2017 May 4. “Canadian researchers count on Siberian reindeer herders to solve archaeological mystery” – Radio & print interview with Levon Sevunts, Radio Canada Internationalhttp://www.rcinet.ca/eye-on-the-arctic/2017/05/04/canadian-researchers-count-on-siberian-reindeer-herders-to-solve-archaeological-mystery/ (with Dr. Robert Losey)
2012 March 2. “Уникальную коллекцию костей животных передала в ИрГТУ зооархеолог из канадского университета” – Print interview with Алеанна Чучуй, Irkutsk State Technical University Press (Russia). http://www.istu.edu/news/11843/ (with Dr. Artur Kharinskii)

Schurr, Theodore (Ancient DNA: Siberian origins of Native Americans)
2012 February 3. “Is this Russian landscape the birthplace of Native Americans?” – Print interview with Christine Dell’Amore, National Geographichttp://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/01/120203-native-americans-siberia-genes-dna-science/?source=hp_dl1_news_dna20120207
2012 January 30. “Penn research finds genetic link between Native Americans, Russian region” – Print interview with Faye Flam, The Inquirer(Philadelphia). http://www.philly.com/philly/insights/in_the_know/138302754.html
 January 26. “Native Americans actually came from a tiny mountain region in Siberia, DNA research reveals” – Print interview with Rob Waugh, Daily Mail (UK). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2092258/Native-Americans-actually-came-tiny-mountain-region-Russia-DNA-research-reveals.html
2012 January 26. “Native Americans hailed from Siberian Highalnds, DNA reveals” – Print interview with Jennie Cohen, Historyhttp://www.history.com/news/native-americans-hailed-from-siberian-highlands-dna-reveals
2012 January 26. “Penn Anthropologists clarify link between Asians and early Native-Americans” – Print interview with Katherine Unger Baillie, Penn News (University of Pennsylvania). http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/news/penn-anthropologists-clarify-link-between-asians-and-early-native-americans and http://www.physorg.com/news/2012-01-genetic-footprints-africa.html and http://www.sciencecodex.com/read/penn_anthropologists_clarify_link_between_asians_and_early_nativeamericans-84964

Waters-Rist, Andrea (Prehistoric teeth)
2012 August 28. “Prehistorische botten bij het Baikalmeer” [Prehistoric teeth of the Baikal people] – Print interview, Leids Universitair Medish Centrum Cicero [Leiden University Medical Center Cicero Magazine] No. 6.

Weber, Andrzej (Archaeology: Fun in the dirt!) 
2015 April 23. “Because we dared: four at the forefront” – Print interview, University of Alberta website. Excerpt: http://tinyurl.com/ophvntp Full article: http://uofa.ualberta.ca/because-we-dared/inspire/explorer-researchers

Archaeological Excavations on Rebun Island (Japan)
2013 July 22. Print interview, Hokkaido Shimbun (Japan). link
2012 August 9. Press conference with Japanese newspapers (Asahi-ShimbunYomiuri ShimbunMainichi ShimbunHokkaido Shimbun, and Nikkan Soyan) and local government officials from Wakkanai, Hokkaido.
2011 July 18. Print interview, Asahi-Shimbun (Japan).
2011 July 13. Print interview, Hokkaido Shimbun (Japan). link
2011 July 10.  Print interview, Asahi-Shimbun (Japan).
2011 March 16. “Baikal Archaeological Project to undertake a long-term dig in the Japanese Hokkaido islands” – Print interview, folio (University of Alberta). https://www.folio.ca/baikal-archaeological-project-to-undertake-a-long-term-dig-in-the-japanese-hokkaido-islands/