We have a new BAP team member!

Mx. Gwen LE BRAS is completing their MSC under the supervision of Dr. Klervia JAOUEN from January 2023 at the GET Department (Géosciences Environnement Toulouse) of the Observatoire Midi Pyrénées in Toulouse, France. Their mission is to trace the food web of Lake Baikal populations using stable zinc isotopes on dental enamel and food samples. They will also be trained in collagen extraction in order to perform isotopic analysis of the carbon and nitrogen content of amino acids.

Recently awarded the Agrégation de SV-STU, Gwen is qualified to teach biology and geology up to high school level as well as in higher and more specialised classes. Since 2019, they have been studying biology and especially geology at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and the Université Claude Bernard de Lyon. They have had the opportunity to do several research internships on stable isotopes of magnesium and calcium with researchers such as Vincent BALTER, Jochen VOGL, Thomas TÜTKEN and Samuel LE GOFF. Gwen has always wanted to work at the interface between biology and geology and above all to apply their knowledge to anthropological issues. This is something they have already been able to do in geomedicine with Samuel LE GOFF and which becomes even more concrete in the framework of this project.

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Stable isotopes and their applications. Fractionation of zinc isotopes in food chain, magnesium isotopes in human body. Applications to human populations or health. Laboratory work and cooperation with research teams. Training in new methods.

Welcome to the team, Mx. Le Bras!