Team Member Role: Researchers

LONG Tengwen

Dr. Tengwen Long is Associate Professor in Geographical Sciences at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. His research interests cover a range of topics in physical geography, with a particular emphasis on the intricate interactions between humans and the environment. A key area of his study is the origins of agriculture, where he employs a multidisciplinary approach that integrates geo-, bio‑, and historical social sciences methods. Dr Long’s career is marked by a steadfast commitment to international and interdisciplinary collaborations. [...]


WANG Yucheng

Dr. Yucheng Wang is a Research Associate at University of Cambridge working on ancient environmental DNA (aeDNA, also known as sedimentary ancient DNA, sedaDNA). He has been involved in the Baikal Archaeology Project since 2019 when he was based at Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen. His research activities on the BAP involve developing and applying aeDNA methods to address archeological and paleo-ecological questions associated with the Baikal region from genomic and genetic perspectives. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Ancient environmental DNA, metagenomics, [...]


WHITE Dustin

Dr. Dustin White is a Research Fellow at the University of York and is one of the founding members of the Baikal Archaeology Project, having conducted fieldwork in the region since 1999. His main areas of research include geoarchaeology, Quaternary stratigraphy and chronology, palaeopedology, malacology, cryptotephra, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and the prehistory of Eurasia. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Human evolution, biostratigraphy, chronology, palaeoecology, Eurasia


LEIPE Christian

Dr. Christian Leipe is a post-doctoral researcher affiliated with the Freie Universität Berlin. He is a Postdoctoral Researcher based at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, Department of Archaeology, in Jena, Germany. His current research interests are mainly in the field of archaeobotany and geoarchaeology aiming at reconstruction of Holocene human-environment interactions in Asia using pollen and plant macrofossil data. In the Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project (BHAP) he intensively studied subsistence economies of prehistoric and early historic hunter-gatherer societies and the [...]



Larisa Savelieva is an associate Professor at the Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Her research interests include pollen analysis, climate and vegetation changes during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, human impact on the Late Holocene environment. Her main research area is Northern Eurasia. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Pollen analysis, climate and vegetation reconstruction, human-environment interactions


JAOUEN Klervia

Dr. Klervia Jaouen is a CNRS researcher at the department of Geosciences and Environment (GET/ Géosciences Environnement Toulouse) at the Observatory Midi Pyrénées in Toulouse, where she is currently conducting an ERC Starting Grant Program (ARCHEIS) focusing on the use of novel isotopic tools such as Zn isotope ratios to track the onset of fish consumption among hominins. In this context, she is interested in working with the BAP to explore the Zn isotope fractionation existing in aquatic food webs [...]



Dr. Andrea Czermak is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Oxford. She is a trained biologist who specializes in sequential tooth dentine analysis to reconstruct early life histories of individuals. Andrea has developed and applied new refined methods for dentine analysis and micro-sampling. She is particularly interested in childhood and adolescence, stress and crisis events, subsistence strategies and mobility during times of social and climatic changes. Andrea has previously worked on human teeth from the Neolithic, Bronze Age and [...]



Dr. Jana Gliwa is a post-doctoral researcher currently based at the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin and working in a team with Professor Pavel Tarasov and Professor Mayke Wagner in Berlin and with Dr. Elena Bezrukova and Dr. Alexander Shchetnikov in Irkutsk. In 2022 she will start her new BAP-related research project at the Freie Universität Berlin (research group of P. Tarasov). Her 3-year project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) aims to contribute to [...]



Jason Symington is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies at MacEwan University. His primary responsibilities on the Baikal Archaeology Project are to facilitate a real-world pre-production, production, and post-production, working environment for students to gain valuable experience in the creation of professional level documentaries. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Visual language, Visual rhetoric, Multi-platform communications


KOBE Franziska

Franziska Kobe (Paleontology Section, Institute of Geological Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin) got her master’s degree from the Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). She was a Ph.D. student with the Baikal Archaeology Project under the supervision of Professor Pavel Tarasov at FUB specializing in pollen analysis. Her Bachelor Thesis accomplished in 2016 contributes to the testing of a more efficient, less time-consuming and health- and environmentally-friendly standard method for pollen extraction from various soft [...]
