Ms. Jennifer Laughton is a Ph.D. student with the Baikal Archaeology Project under the supervision of Dr. Andrzej Weber. She specializes in biological anthropology and will be conducting research on dental remains from across the Cis-Baikal, with a focus on tooth morphometrics, dental non-metric traits, and principles/ethics of curating human remains. She has previously worked at the Canadian Museum of History, and is a trained archaeologist and a polyglot.

Дженнифер – аспирант в Университете Алберты (Эдмонтон). Она по специалностью биологической антропологой, и является участником Байкальского Археологического Проекта (БАП). Её исследование будет сосредоточено на стоматологической антропологии Прибайкалья.

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Bioarchaeology, Dental anthropology, Palaeopathology, Siberia/Russia

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