The BAP was well represented at the AAPA Annual Meeting held in Cleveland!
First photo from top left: Dr. Andrea Waters-Rist, PhD candidate Victoria van der Haas, Dr. Angela Lieverse, Dr. Daniel Temple, Dr. Hugh McKenzie, PhD candidate J. Alyssa White. A great looking crew!
Thank you to Victoria van der Haas, BAP PhD Candidate, for the following live tweets! Victoria is in charge of BAP’s social media and she is doing a great job keeping everyone up-to-date on BAP activities!
Our very own @Angela_Lieverse is chairing and presenting at the Paleodemography poster session! “Oral and Sinus Infection Among Okhotsk Marine Foragers: Implications for Differential Frailty.”
In the Bioarchaeology: Diet, Migration and Identity session, BAP has a poster on: Spatial differences in Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age hunter-fisher-gatherer diet in Lake Baikal’s Little Sea micro-region, Siberia. McKenzie et al.!
In the poster session “Biocultural Approaches to the Plasticity of the Human skeleton”, Dan Temple presents on The cost of survival: the contextual analysis of adaptive plasticity and constraint in human skeletal and dental remains.
Up next is Dr. Waters-Rist to talk about infant feeding practices in a rural Dutch community. Session 33. Bioarchaeology: diet, disease, and violence.
Our PhD candidate Victoria van der Haas is presenting her work on the dietary life histories of Cis-Baikal hunter-gatherers today. Ballroom CC, dental anthropology session (24), poster 14!
In ballroom CC BAP member Dan Temple and his student Emily Rosa have a poster on “Variation in long bone diaphyseal morphology in coastal and inland hunter-gatherers from prehisoric Alaska”. Session 52, poster 21.
BAP would also like to congratulate J. Alyssa White, PhD Candidate University of Oxford supervised by Dr. Rick Schulting, for being awarded the Ales Hrdlicka Prize for an excellent poster or podium presentation – unrestricted topic.
Alyssa’s title: “From flesh to mesh: Bodies as maps in 3D GIS.” Session 56 Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology: Shared Applications, Ballroom CC Room 26 C.
Congratulations, Alyssa!