Dr. Andrzej Weber would like to announce that full text translations (from English to Russian) of the three papers below have been published in “BULLETIN OF THE IRKUTSK STATE UNIVERSITY. GEOARCHAEOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, AND ANTHROPOLOGY SERIES”. 2023. Volume 43.

All three papers can be downloaded here: https://izvestiageoarh.isu.ru/en/journal?id=42

Links to individual papers below:

Title: Неолит и ранний бронзовый век Предбайкалья: хронология и пищевые тренды

(Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Cis-Baikal: Chronology and Dietary Trends)

Authors: A. W. Weber, C. Bronk Ramsey, R. J. Schulting, V. I. Bazaliiskii, O. I. Goriunova


Title: Неолит и ранний бронзовый век Предбайкалья: пространственно-временные паттерны использования могильников

(Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Cis-Baikal: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Cemetery Use)

Authors: A. W. Weber, V. I. Bazaliiskii, O. I. Goriunova, R. J. Schulting, C. Bronk Ramsey


Title: Неолит и ранний бронзовый век Предбайкалья: основные факторы и процессы в развитии культур охотников-собирателей

(Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Cis-Baikal: Main Factors and Processes in the Development of Hunter-Gatherer Cultures)

Authors: A. W. Weber


Congratulations to all authors!