Media & Public Outreach

Successful BAP workshop in Istanbul, Türkiye, November 11-13, 2023!

Members of the Baikal Archaeology Project and guests have wrapped up another successful workshop—this time in Istanbul, Türkiye. Team members brought each other up to date on their current research, discussed future plans, and enjoyed social outings and an evening cruise on the Bosphorus. Our thanks go out to all attendees who made our workshop in Istanbul such a resounding success. We are especially grateful to our Project Manager, Andrea Hiob, for all her hard work getting things organized [...]

2023-11-22T10:17:09-07:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|

Successful BAP workshop in Oxford, UK, June 17-19, 2023!

Members of the Baikal Archaeology Project and guests have wrapped up another successful workshop—this time in Oxford, UK. Team members brought each other up to date on their current research, discussed future plans, and enjoyed social outings and a field trip to West Kennet Long Barrow, Silbury Hill & the Avebury Stone Circle. Our thanks go out to all attendees who made our workshop in Oxford such a resounding success. We are especially grateful to our Oxford hosts & [...]

2023-06-25T20:55:40-06:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|

Dr. Andrea Czermak presents talk at the ArchaeoBioCenter, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München

BAP researcher Dr. Andrea Czermak, recently gave a talk at the ArchaeoBioCenter, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München, Germany. Andrea presented her dentine micro-sampling method, using data from Zvejnieki, Latvia. The talk was in German and entitled: Du bist, was man dir zu essen gibt: Ernährung in Kindheit und Jugend in der Vorgeschichte (You are what you eat: Childhood nutrition in Prehistory).

2024-04-24T13:09:03-06:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|Tags: |

Successful BAP Workshops and Business Meetings Riga, Latvia, September 8-10, 2022!

Members of the Baikal Archaeology Project and guests have wrapped up a successful workshop – once again in beautiful Riga, Latvia (September 8-10, 2022). The team was brought up to date on recent research, planned for future research, and enjoyed social outings and a fieldtrip to the Rundale Palace and Gardens! We are extremely grateful to project members Drs. Gunita Zarina and Ilga Zagorska from the University of Latvia for their hospitality, time and help in organizing our Workshops, [...]

2022-10-17T13:43:42-06:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|

Ruairidh Macleod presents talk at UK Archaeological Sciences Conference 2022

Ruairidh Macleod recently presented a talk at the UK Archaeological Sciences Conference 2022 held in Aberdeen, Scotland, in person! Title of Ruairidh's presentation: Ancient Genomics of an Apparent mid-Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Massacre at Shamanka II, Lake Baikal Link to conference: Action photo supplied by Ruairidh.

2022-04-27T12:42:53-06:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|Tags: |

Jennifer Laughton presents at UofA Northern Research Day Conference and Frucht Lecture Series

Northern Research Day: March 22nd-23rd, 2022 Northern Research Day is an annual student-organized conference for students doing research in the circumpolar north to present and share their work with others. It is hosted by the Circumpolar Students' Association and is sponsored by UAlberta North in tandem with the Kule Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAL). This year, Jennifer Laughton, who had received funding from UAlberta North and the Northern Student training Program (NSTP) gave a presentation of her research [...]

2022-04-19T14:43:06-06:00Categories: News, Media & Public Outreach|Tags: |

“The invention of trousers” exhibition at State Museum of Archaeology, Chemnitz

The State Museum of Archaeology in Chemnitz ( has a long tradition of bringing results of archaeological research to the public. One of the effective forms of their work are the “foyer exhibitions.” The recent exhibition in the museum’s foyer – “The invention of trousers” (opened from 11 March until May 8th, 2022, access free of charge) – highlights the results of the international research project "Silk Road Fashion" led by Prof. Mayke Wagner (German Archaeological Institute) and [...]

2022-03-31T12:39:11-06:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|Tags: , , |

Dr. Andrzej Weber interview on the “Modern Conversation” show

Check out the link for Dr. Weber’s interview with Alexei Petrov on the “Modern Conversation” show on February 19: From Petrov Media: Professor of the University of Alberta, archaeologist Andrzej Weber in Irkutsk in "Modern Conversation." Профессор Университета Альберты, археолог Анджей Вебер в Иркутске в "Современном разговоре." The guest of "Modern Conversation" is a well-known archaeologist, professor of the University of Alberta (Canada), honorary professor of Irkutsk State University Andrzej Weber. He has been excavating cemeteries in Baikal [...]

2022-03-31T13:06:58-06:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|Tags: |

Dr. Andrzej Weber lecture at Rasputin Scientific Library, Irkutsk State University

Professor Weber spoke at the Scientific Library. Rasputin ISU on February 12 with a lecture "Features of the study of ancient burial grounds of the population of the Baikal region (based on the materials of the Bronze Age burial ground Khuzhir-Nuge XIV).”  You can watch it on the UNIVERSUM popular science blog: Read the announcement on "Glagol": Гость "Современного разговора" - известный археолог, профессор Университета Альберы (Канада), почетный профессор Иркутского госуниверситета Анджэей Вебер. Он почти тридцать лет ведет [...]

2022-03-31T13:14:34-06:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|Tags: |

Dr. Nour Moussa presents guest lecture at MacEwan University!

Dr. Nour Moussa was recently invited by Dr. Joshua Miller to present a guest lecture on ancient DNA for his GENETICS 400 class, at MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada. The lecture was on Tuesday, March 1st and entitled "Challenges in working with ancient DNA: A story from Lake Baikal, Siberia.” Nour really enjoyed her time talking about her past research, and a good time was had by all!

2022-03-29T14:52:57-06:00Categories: News, Media & Public Outreach|Tags: |