Team Member Role: Former Graduate Student

ARLT Richard

Mr. Richard Arlt was a Master's of Science in Geology student under the supervision of Prof. Pavel Tarasov. Richard successfully defended his BAP-related thesis at Freie Universität Berlin on August 9, 2024. The topic of his thesis was "Lateglacial and Holocene fire history in the Upper Lena (Baikal Region, Siberia) based on the results of microcharcoal analysis of the sediment core recovered from Lake Ochaul in 2018". RESEARCH INTERESTS: Palaeoclimate reconstruction, Fire history, Palaeoecology The attached photo shows a happy [...]


LABOHM Andreas

Mr. Andreas W. Labohm was a Master's student with the Baikal Archaeology Project under the supervision of Prof. Pavel Tarasov specializing in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions using mollusc remains in the sediment of Lake Ochaul.  His BAP-related Master's thesis entitled “First results of the malacological analysis of the Och18-II sediment core from Lake Ochaul (Cis-Baikal region of Siberia) and their implications for the reconstruction of changes in the Lateglacial-Holocene environments” has been defended at the Institute of Geological Sciences Freie Universität Berlin [...]



Miss Lucy Koster completed her MSc at the University of Oxford in September 2021. Her thesis ‘Deep-rooted divides? Social inequality and life history at Zvejnieki’, completed under the supervision of Professor Rick Schulting, used stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) of sequential dentine from the Mesolithic and Neolithic hunter-gather-fisher cemetery of Zvejnieki in Latvia to reconstruct breastfeeding and weaning practices (BWP), and early childhood provisioning. Combined with previous research on BWP at the site completed by Henderson et al. (2022, [...]



Ms Marine Caldarola recently completed her MSc at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Professor Rick Schulting. Her Master's thesis, Stable isotope analysis of sequential dentine from an Early Bronze Age cemetery in Cis-Baikal, Siberia as a means to investigate weaning practices, helped to identify and compare breastfeeding, dietary and weaning patterns from the Uliarba cemetery. Significant differences between the EBA and EIA were found, Game-Fish and Game-Fish-Seal diets were observed in the EBA individuals and evidence of millet being [...]


WHITE J. Alyssa

J. Alyssa White is presently a Research Affiliate of the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Alyssa recently successfully defended her DPhil researching skeletal evidence for prehistoric violence from the southwestern Japanese archipelago during the end of the hunter-gatherer period through the early agricultural period (ca. 1300 BC – 250 AD). She was supervised by Dr. Rick Schulting and Dr. Mark Hudson at the University of Oxford. Alyssa's Master of Science (MSc) research, supervised by Dr. [...]


van der HAAS Victoria

Dr. Victoria van der Haas recently completed her PhD under the supervision of Professor A.W. Weber. Her dissertation, titled Growing up in the Cis-Baikal region of Siberia, Russia: reconstructing childhood diet of Middle Holocene hunter-gatherers, reconstructs the dietary life histories of Early Bronze Age hunter-gatherers from the Lake Baikal region through the application of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis on serial micro-samples of human tooth dentine. By revealing minute intra- and inter-individual dietary changes, this micro-sampling technique permits [...]



Ms. Lauren Michelman completed her Master’s in 2022 under the supervision of Dr. Angela Lieverse at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research examined Harris line frequency in juveniles and young adults from the Middle Holocene Cis-Baikal and worked to address and incorporate critiques relating to the capture and analysis of Harris lines in archaeological remains. Ms. Michelman is currently pursuing her PhD through the College of Medicine and Dentistry at James Cook University, Australia. Her research involves the establishment [...]



Ms. Rebecca Bourgeois recently completed her MA at the University of Saskatchewan, supervised by Dr. Angela Lieverse and Dr. Hugh McKenzie. In her thesis, A Multi-Method Approach To Re-Associating Fragmented and Commingled Human Remains: An example from the Cis-Baikal region of Siberia, Russia, she extended and developed methods to re-associate the fragmented and commingled human remains from the Early Neolithic cemetery site of Moty-Novaia Shamanka. These methods allowed for some of these remains to be re-grouped into discrete individuals, provided [...]


CHAPUT Talisha

Ms. Talisha Chaput recently completed her Master's under the supervision of Dr. Andrzej Weber at the University of Alberta. Her research focused on the reconstruction of Middle Holocene hunter-gatherer diet through the application of the Bayesian stable isotope mixing model FRUITS. Chaput proved the utility of the Bayesian mixing model in an area of complex isotope signatures and moved the comparisons of food resource contribution to total diet from relative to quantitative estimates. Her research interests also include GIS analysis, [...]
