
Ritual practices and social organisation at the Middle Yayoi culture settlement site of Maenakanishi, eastern Japan

Combined archaeobotanical and archaeological data from Middle Yayoi (fourth century BCE–first century CE) cultural layers of the Maenakanishi site (36°08′55″ N, 139°24′08″ E) in northern Saitama Prefecture indicate that rice was less significant as everyday food, but played an important role in ritual practices and in strengthening social stratification at the studied settlement site. The results further suggest that the crop was used in feasting performed in context of pillared buildings that were often large and occupied a spatially separated central [...]

2020-11-03T12:08:40-07:00Categories: Journal Articles, Publications|Tags: , , |

Christian Leipe article published in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Congratulations to Dr. Christian Leipe on his recent article published in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences! This is special news as it is Christian’s first paper as key author in a purely archaeological journal! Also congratulations to our other BAP team members who contributed as co-authors. Title: Ritual practices and social organisation at the Middle Yayoi culture settlement site of Maenakanishi, eastern Japan Authors: Leipe C, Kuramochi S, Wagner M, Tarasov PE. Abstract: Combined archaeobotanical and archaeological data from Middle [...]

2020-08-04T11:34:47-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , |

“Bridging Eurasia” Workshop in Berlin “Archaeology in East Asia: Bridge Building to Natural Sciences”

Great news from Dr. Pavel Tarasov below!: "Bridging Eurasia" Workshop in Berlin, an International Workshop of the Bridging Eurasia Research Initiative "Archaeology in East Asia: Bridge Building to Natural Sciences" took place in Berlin 12-14 February, 2020. Jointly organized by Mayke Wagner (German Archaeological Institute), Pavel Tarasov (FU Berlin), and Christian Leipe (Nagoya University). About 25 colleagues from Germany, Russia, Taiwan China, and Japan were invited to present and discuss their research results related to the different fields [...]

2020-02-25T10:53:05-07:00Categories: News, Media & Public Outreach|Tags: , , , |

Great news coming out of Freie Universität Berlin!

Dr. Pavel Tarasov's team is getting it done! Christian Leipe and Pavel Tarasov spent the first 9 days of October in the Institute of Geochemistry, Irkutsk, working on the sediment cores from Lake Ochaul and collecting samples for the sediment aDNA analysis together with Elena Bezrukova, Sasha Shchetnikov and their team. Lena and Sasha helped a lot to make our work as smooth and successful as possible. Additional news from Dr. Pavel Tarasov during this time: A cooperation agreement [...]

2019-11-25T10:55:38-07:00Categories: News, Media & Public Outreach|Tags: , , |

Discontinuous spread of millet agriculture in eastern Asia and prehistoric population dynamics

Although broomcorn and foxtail millet are among the earliest staple crop domesticates, their spread and impacts on demography remain controversial, mainly because of the use of indirect evidence. Bayesian modeling applied to a dataset of new and published radiocarbon dates derived from domesticated millet grains suggests that after their initial cultivation in the crescent around the Bohai Sea ca. 5800 BCE, the crops spread discontinuously across eastern Asia. Our findings on the spread of millet that intensified during [...]

2020-10-06T11:24:26-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , , |

Christian Leipe article published in Science Advances

Congratulations to Christian Leipe and other BAP team members on their recent article published in Science Advances! Title: Discontinuous spread of millet agriculture in eastern Asia and prehistoric population dynamics Authors: Leipe C, Long T, Sergusheva EA, Wagner M, Tarasov PE. Abstract: Although broomcorn and foxtail millet are among the earliest staple crop domesticates, their spread and impacts on demography remain controversial, mainly because of the use of indirect evidence. Bayesian modeling applied to a dataset of new and [...]

2020-06-30T11:13:45-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Postglacial vegetation and climate history and traces of early human impact and agriculture in the present-day cool mixed forest zone of European Russia

This study is based on the reassessment and correlation of five pollen records from the upper Western Dvina River region. For the most complete record (Korovinskoe Mire; 56°16′N, 31°20′E) we constructed a Bayesian age-depth model to provide robust chronological control for the reconstructed changes in the regional environments and to facilitate interregional comparisons. The results show that the Holocene Thermal Maximum in the study region (ca. 8600–6900 cal BP) started and ended some centuries earlier than suggested for the [...]

2020-07-07T11:06:39-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , |

Testing the performance of sodium polytungstate and lithium heteropolytungstate as non-toxic dense media for pollen extraction from lake and peat sediment samples

Pollen analysis is one of the most important methods to reconstruct past climate change and to understand prehistoric and early historic human-environment interactions. Every study based on fossil pollen assemblages from sedimentary archives starts with the preparation of collected sample material. The most widely employed protocols to concentrate pollen involve the use of several chemicals including hydrofluoric acid (HF), which is extremely hazardous to human health. As an alternative to HF, we have tested the reliability of dense [...]

2020-06-03T12:16:30-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , |

Christian Leipe BAP archaeobotanical analysis featured in Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper article!

Thank you to Dr. Pavel Tarasov for sharing the following BHAP/BAP news!: The Yomiuri Shimbun, a Japanese national newspaper with a 140-year history and a daily readership of more than 9 million copies every morning, recently published an article about ancient barley seeds excavated from the Hamanaka 2 site on Rebun Island. The story, written by a Japanese journalist, is based on the samples obtained through the BHAP international summer school excavations and on the archaeobotanical analysis performed by [...]

2019-05-21T12:22:22-06:00Categories: Media & Public Outreach, News|Tags: |

Insight into the Last Glacial Maximum climate and environments of the Baikal region

This study presents a multi-proxy record from Lake Kotokel in the Baikal region at decadal-to-multidecadal resolution and provides a reconstruction of terrestrial and aquatic environments in the area during a 2000-year interval of globally harsh climate often referred to as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The studied lake is situated near the eastern shoreline of Lake Baikal, in a climatically sensitive zone that hosts boreal taiga and cold deciduous forests, cold steppe associations typical for northern Mongolia, and [...]

2021-12-03T11:18:01-07:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , |