
Shifting weaning practices in Early Neolithic Cis‐Baikal, Siberia: New insights from stable isotope analysis of molar micro‐samples

Reconstructing individual dietary histories at Shamanka II, an Early Neolithic (7000–5700 cal. BP) Kitoi hunter‐gatherer cemetery in Cis‐Baikal, Siberia, revealed surprising intrapopulation variability in childhood diets. Stable isotope analytical data produced by micro‐sampled first molars identified changes in both the timing and rate of weaning for different individuals. Further, examination within the framework of a high‐resolution radiocarbon chronology identified shifting practices between two phases of cemetery use, and additional links with mortuary treatment that indicates differences relating to group [...]

2020-06-30T11:00:20-06:00Categories: Journal Articles, Publications|Tags: , , , |

“Mind the gap”—Assessing methods for aligning age determination and growth rate in multi‐molar sequences of dietary isotopic data

Creating multi‐tooth sequences of micro‐sampled stable isotope (SI) analytical data can help track 20+ years of individual dietary history. Inferences about individual and population level behavioral patterns require cross‐calibration of the timing of dietary changes recorded by each tooth. Dentin sections from contemporaneous tissues (eg, in M1 and M2) reflect dietary signature for the time of growth. Contemporary sections should produce similar values, allowing alignment of temporally overlapping portions of teeth into multi‐tooth sequences. Published methods for determining [...]

2020-06-30T11:01:08-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , , , |

Dr. Ian Scharlotta articles in JAS: Reports

Dr. Ian Scharlotta would like to share his articles in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports! 1. Front matter of Special section on "Archaeometric Approaches to the Archaeology of Northern Hunter-Gatherers"; Guest Edited by Ian Scharlotta, Kristin Safi, Lindsey G. Friedman. Title: "Flexible approaches: Adapting analytical techniques and research designs to suit variable landscapes and cultural structures" See Publication PDF Download 2. Article previously online and now finalized. Title: "Differentiating mobility and migration [...]

2020-06-30T11:33:01-06:00Categories: News|Tags: |

Dr. Ian Scharlotta acquires new position as Cultural Resources Coordinator at Texas State University

Congratulations to Dr. Ian Scharlotta, BHAP Postdoctoral Researcher, on his new position! Ian recently started working as a Cultural Resources Coordinator at Texas State University. Ian works at the Vandenberg Air Force Base under the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC/CZOW). Start Date: March 5, 2018 Employer: Texas State University. Working at Vandenberg Air Force Base under U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC/CZOW) Position: Cultural Resources Coordinator Main Duties: Develop a GIS database that provides spatial analysis capabilities [...]

2019-03-14T10:04:45-06:00Categories: News|Tags: |

Differentiating mobility and migration in middle Holocene Cis-Baikal, Siberia

The development of analytical techniques associated with individual life history approaches to reconstructing prehistoric patterns of diet and mobility has produced significant changes in the potential information contained within a single skeleton. In the context of Early Bronze Age hunter-gatherer groups in Cis-Baikal, Siberia, a comparison of bulk versus micro-sampling strategies has altered understanding of the level of mobility and interaction. Detailed surveys of biogeochemical variation in the landscape combined with improved resolution translate into an ability to examine the provenance and track the movements of an individual [...]

2020-06-30T11:09:08-06:00Categories: Journal Articles, Publications|Tags: |

Flexible approaches: Adapting analytical techniques and research designs to suit variable landscapes and cultural structures

Humanity is highly adaptable based on evidence from regional culture histories, dominant climatic patterns, ecosystem availability, and subsistence practices. Astounding resourcefulness in solving short- and long-term challenges is routinely demonstrated by cultural groups pursuing variants of agro-pastoralism, hunting, fishing, gathering, and horticulture. Pursuing specific economic strategies often leads cultural groups to exhibit similar patterns of social organization and material culture. Observation of this trend has led anthropologists to note, and archaeologists to infer, that describing a population based [...]

2020-06-30T11:09:30-06:00Categories: Journal Articles, Publications|Tags: |