
Quaternary Science Reviews April 2024

Vegetation and fire history of the Lake Baikal Region since 32 ka BP reconstructed through microcharcoal and pollen analysis of lake sediment from Cis- and Trans-Baikal

Krikunova AI, Kostromina NA, Savelieva LA, Long T, Leipe C, Kobe F, Kostromina NA, Vasilyeva AV, Tarasov PE

With the increase in global wildfire activity in response to global climate warming, the reconstruction of long-term fire histories and their links to environmental and anthropogenic factors has recently become an important focus of palaeoenvironmental research. Here we compare the precisely radiocarbon (14C) dated long-term histories of vegetation change and fire activity from lakes Ochaul (Cis-Baikal) and Kotokel (Trans-Baikal) in the Lake Baikal Region (LBR) of Siberia, a known source region of wildfires whose past and future relationships [...]

Science Advances September 2019

Aleksandra Krikunova article published in Quaternary Science Reviews!

Leipe C, Long T, Sergusheva EA, Wagner M, Tarasov PE

Congratulations to Aleksandra Krikunova and co-authors on the recent publication of their article in Quaternary Science Reviews! Title: Vegetation and fire history of the Lake Baikal Region since 32 ka BP reconstructed through microcharcoal and pollen analysis of lake sediment from Cis- and Trans-Baikal Authors: Krikunova AI, Kobe F, Long T, Leipe C,  Gliwa J, Shchetnikov AA, Olschewski P, Hoelzmann, P, Wagner M, Bezrukova EV,  Tarasov, PE. Abstract: With the increase in global wildfire activity in response to global climate [...]

2024-09-05T12:23:51-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |
Science Advances September 2019

Team Berlin paper is top 10 most-cited papers published by Journal of Quaternary Science

Leipe C, Long T, Sergusheva EA, Wagner M, Tarasov PE

Congratulations to Team Berlin as their paper is one of the top 10 most-cited papers published by Journal of Quaternary Science! Title: Not herbs and forbs alone: pollen-based evidence for the presence of boreal trees and shrubs in Cis-Baikal (Eastern Siberia) derived from the Last Glacial Maximum sediment of Lake Ochaul Authors: Kobe, F., Leipe, C., Shchetnikov, A.A., Hoelzmann, P., Gliwa, J., Olschewski, P., Goslar, T., Wagner, M., Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E. This work was published as part of [...]

2024-04-29T11:04:58-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |
Quaternary International October 2022

A Holocene floodplain sequence from the Kirenga Valley, Lake Baikal region (Siberia), and its significance for molluscan and mammalian biogeography

White D, Parfitt SA, Shchetnikov AA, Tesakov AS, Preece RC

The archaeological record in the Baikal region is characterised by a marked discontinuity separating different groups of hunter-gatherers within the Neolithic period. A range of sedimentary archives has been studied to investigate this issue and whether it had an environmental cause. Our focus has been on floodplain sequences from river valleys, which can augment other higher resolution records such as those from lakes. Here we report on the molluscs and small vertebrates recovered from a Holocene floodplain sequence [...]

2023-09-05T11:44:30-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , |
Science Advances September 2019

Dr. Dustin White article published in Quaternary International!

Leipe C, Long T, Sergusheva EA, Wagner M, Tarasov PE

Congratulations to Dustin White and co-authors on the recent publication of their article in Quaternary International! Title: A Holocene floodplain sequence from the Kirenga Valley, Lake Baikal region (Siberia), and its significance for molluscan and mammalian biogeography Authors: Dustin White, Simon A. Parfitt, Alexander A. Shchetnikov, Alexey S. Tesakov, Richard C. Preece (2022) Quaternary International, in press. Abstract: The archaeological record in the Baikal region is characterised by a marked discontinuity separating different groups of hunter-gatherers within the Neolithic [...]

2022-11-28T11:27:21-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , |