
Dr. Aleksandra Krikunova successfully defends PhD dissertation!

Congratulations to Dr. Aleksandra Krikunova, BAP PhD student at Freie Universität Berlin, for successfully defending her PhD dissertation on December 10th! Great news from Dr. Pavel Tarasov, Alexandra’s supervisor at Freie Universität Berlin: “Aleksandra's PhD defence was a great success. For the written thesis, oral presentation and subsequent discussion, all members of the committee gave her "magna cum laude", which is a grade for PhDs "with great distinction". We would like to thank all BAP team members and all [...]

2024-12-16T08:46:46-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , |

Alexandra Vasilyeva presents paper at the Paleolimnology of Northern Eurasia Conference in Krasnoyarsk

Alexandra Vasilyeva and Larisa Savelieva recently presented a paper at the 6th International 'Paleolimnology of Northern Eurasia' Conference in Krasnoyarsk, 24-29 August. The BAP-related research study, conducted by BAP students Alexandra Vasilyeva (as part of her Master's program at University of St. Petersburg) and Aleksandra Krikunova (PhD program at Freie Universitaet, Berlin) under the supervision of Dr. Larisa Savelieva and Professor Pavel Tarasov, examines the features of pollen-based vegetation modeling using Holocene pollen records from lakes in the Ladoga-Onega [...]

2024-09-12T13:03:00-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Vegetation and fire history of the Lake Baikal Region since 32 ka BP reconstructed through microcharcoal and pollen analysis of lake sediment from Cis- and Trans-Baikal

With the increase in global wildfire activity in response to global climate warming, the reconstruction of long-term fire histories and their links to environmental and anthropogenic factors has recently become an important focus of palaeoenvironmental research. Here we compare the precisely radiocarbon (14C) dated long-term histories of vegetation change and fire activity from lakes Ochaul (Cis-Baikal) and Kotokel (Trans-Baikal) in the Lake Baikal Region (LBR) of Siberia, a known source region of wildfires whose past and future relationships [...]

Aleksandra Krikunova article published in Quaternary Science Reviews!

Congratulations to Aleksandra Krikunova and co-authors on the recent publication of their article in Quaternary Science Reviews! Title: Vegetation and fire history of the Lake Baikal Region since 32 ka BP reconstructed through microcharcoal and pollen analysis of lake sediment from Cis- and Trans-Baikal Authors: Krikunova AI, Kobe F, Long T, Leipe C,  Gliwa J, Shchetnikov AA, Olschewski P, Hoelzmann, P, Wagner M, Bezrukova EV,  Tarasov, PE. Abstract: With the increase in global wildfire activity in response to global climate [...]

2024-09-05T12:23:51-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Richard Arlt earns Master’s degree!

Congratulations to Richard Arlt who successfully defended his BAP-related Master’s thesis on August 9, 2024! Richard is a Master’s of Science in Geology student at Freie Universität Berlin, under the supervision of Prof. Pavel Tarasov. Title: Lateglacial and Holocene fire history in the Upper Lena (Baikal Region, Siberia) based on the results of microcharcoal analysis of the sediment core recovered from Lake Ochaul in 2018. Congratulations, Richard! The attached photo shows a happy Richard in his garden after the [...]

2024-08-21T12:05:53-06:00Categories: News|Tags: |

Linda-Helen Habermann passes BSc Thesis!

Congratulations to Linda-Helen Habermann (Freie Universität Berlin) for successfully passing her BSc Thesis! She was supervised by Prof. Pavel Tarasov in the Palaeontology division of the Institute of Geological Sciences, at Freie Universität Berlin. Her BAP-related thesis was entitled "Pollen analysis as an effective approach for stratigraphic and chronological correlation: A case study of two sediment cores from Lake Ochaul, Cis-Baikal Siberia". Both Reviewers gave her the highest Note 1. Read about her research here Congratulations to Linda, who [...]

2024-07-15T12:24:12-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , |

Team Berlin paper is top 10 most-cited papers published by Journal of Quaternary Science

Congratulations to Team Berlin as their paper is one of the top 10 most-cited papers published by Journal of Quaternary Science! Title: Not herbs and forbs alone: pollen-based evidence for the presence of boreal trees and shrubs in Cis-Baikal (Eastern Siberia) derived from the Last Glacial Maximum sediment of Lake Ochaul Authors: Kobe, F., Leipe, C., Shchetnikov, A.A., Hoelzmann, P., Gliwa, J., Olschewski, P., Goslar, T., Wagner, M., Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E. This work was published as part of [...]

2024-04-29T11:04:58-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Aleksandra Krikunova article published in Journal of Quaternary International!

Congratulations to Aleksandra Krikunova and co-authors on the recent publication of their article in Journal of Quaternary International! Title: Postglacial vegetation and climate change in the lake Onega region of eastern Fennoscandia derived from a radiocarbon-dated pollen record Authors: Krikunova, AI, Savelieva LA, Long T, Leipe C, Kobe F, Kostromina, NA, Vasilyeva AV, Tarasov, PE. Abstract:  With its numerous environmental archives stored in lake and peat sediments and relatively low human pressure, the Lake Onega region in eastern Fennoscandia [...]

2024-04-24T13:05:52-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Postglacial vegetation and climate change in the Lake Onega region of eastern Fennoscandia derived from a radiocarbon-dated pollen record

With its numerous environmental archives stored in lake and peat sediments and relatively low human pressure, the Lake Onega region in eastern Fennoscandia is regarded as a particularly promising area for studying past changes in vegetation and climate since the Lateglacial period. The 885-cm-long sediment core RZ19 (62◦27′53″N, 34◦26′4″E) was collected from Razlomnoe Peat on the northern shore of Lake Onega in 2019, radiocarbon-dated and analysed for pollen and cryptogam spores. The age-depth model suggests continuous sedimentation since [...]

2024-04-24T13:03:01-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , , , , |

Andreas Labohm earns Master’s degree!

Congratulations to Andreas Labohm (Master’s student Freie Universität Berlin) who recently very successfully defended his BAP-related Master’s project! Title: Results of the malacological analysis of the Och18-II sediment core from Lake Ochaul (Cis-Baikal region of Siberia) and their implications for the reconstruction of the Lateglacial-Holocene environments. Andreas’ results will be included in the upcoming research paper he is working on. Congratulations, Andreas!

2024-07-15T10:44:47-06:00Categories: News|Tags: |