
Nature Ecology & Evolution January 2022

Radiocarbon dating from Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov cemetery reveals complex human responses to socio-ecological stress during the 8.2 ka cooling event

Schulting RJ, Mannermaa K, Tarasov PE, Higham T, Bronk Ramsey C, Khartanovich V, Moiseyev V, Gerasimov D, O’Shea J, Weber A

Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov in Karelia, northwest Russia, is one of the largest Early Holocene cemeteries in northern Eurasia, with 177 burials recovered in excavations in the 1930s; originally, more than 400 graves may have been present. A new radiocarbon dating programme, taking into account a correction for freshwater reservoir effects, suggests that the main use of the cemetery spanned only some 100–300 years, centring on ca. 8250 to 8000 cal BP. This coincides remarkably closely with the 8.2 ka cooling event, [...]

2023-04-04T14:10:49-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , , , , |
Science Advances September 2019

Happy New Year of the Tiger

Leipe C, Long T, Sergusheva EA, Wagner M, Tarasov PE

https://baikalproject.artsrn.ualberta.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Happy_Year_of_the_Tiger.mp4 The night of January 31­ – February 1, 2022: The Ox exhausted at Winter's End trots away. Young Tiger in Spring leaps up. A special New Year’s message from Prof. Dr. Mayke Wagner and Prof. Dr. Pavel Tarasov: Dear friends and colleagues, The time of the third of the twelve earth branches begins and brings with it the zodiac sign "Tiger", a limitless brave, just and majestic guardian. In China it is said that the Jade [...]

2022-01-26T21:22:31-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , |
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports February 2022

Scanning electron microscopy for differentiating charred endocarps of Rhus/Toxicodendron species and tracking the use of the lacquer tree and Asian poison ivy in Japanese prehistory

Leipe C, Aquaro A, Tarasov PE

The use of natural lacquer for preservation and decoration of various commodities is a remarkable invention. In Japan lacquer production dates back to the Neolithic Jomon period and has been mainly based on the sap extracted from the lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A. Barkley). However, it is still unclear, if lacquer production evolved in Japan independently or was introduced from Neolithic China, another centre of early lacquer production. A debate also revolves around the origin of the [...]

2023-03-08T10:22:53-07:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , |
Science Advances September 2019

Christian Leipe article published in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Leipe C, Long T, Sergusheva EA, Wagner M, Tarasov PE

Congratulations to Dr. Christian Leipe and co-authors on the recent publication of their article in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports!  Title: Scanning electron microscopy for differentiating charred endocarps of Rhus/Toxicodendron species and tracking the use of the lacquer tree and Asian poison ivy in Japanese prehistory Authors: Leipe C, Aquaro, A, Tarasov PE. Abstract: The use of natural lacquer for preservation and decoration of various commodities is a remarkable invention. In Japan lacquer production dates back to the [...]

2022-01-12T11:30:14-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , |
Quaternary International June 2022

Lateglacial–Holocene environments and human occupation in the Upper Lena region of Eastern Siberia derived from sedimentary and zooarchaeological data from Lake Ochaul

Kobe F, Hoelzmann P, Gliwa J, Olshewski P, Peskov S, Shchetnikov A, Danukalova G, Osipova M, Goslar T, Leipe C, Wagner M, Bezrukova E, Tarasov PE

In the current study, different geochemical and biological proxies, including pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, ostracods and molluscs, from an AMS radiocarbon-dated sediment core from Lake Ochaul (54°14′N, 106°28′E; 641 m a.s.l.) are presented and discussed. Ochaul is a fresh-water lake and an archaeological site situated ca. 100 km northwest of Lake Baikal in the upper reaches of the Lena River. The 260-cm-long sedimentary record presented here spans the Lateglacial–Holocene interval, between ca. 13,500 cal yr BP and the present. [...]

2022-11-01T10:45:51-06:00Categories: Journal Articles, Publications|Tags: , , |
Science Advances September 2019

Franziska Kobe article published online in Quaternary International

Leipe C, Long T, Sergusheva EA, Wagner M, Tarasov PE

Some great news from Pavel Tarasov in Berlin! Congratulations to Franziska Kobe and co-authors on the publication of their recent article in Quaternary International! Title: Lateglacial–Holocene environments and human occupation in the Upper Lena region of Eastern Siberia derived from sedimentary and zooarchaeological data from Lake Ochaul Authors: Kobe F, Hoelzmann P, Gliwa J, Olshewski P, Peskov S, Shchetnikov A, Danukalova G, Osipova M, Goslar T, Leipe C, Wagner M, Bezrukova E, Tarasov PE Abstract: In the current study, [...]

2021-10-25T10:06:30-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Welcome our new BAP team member, Aleksandra Krikunova!

We have a new BAP team member! Dr. Pavel Tarasov is pleased to introduce Ms. Aleksandra Krikunova to the project! Aleksandra received her Master’s Degree from Saint Petersburg State University and Hamburg University in October 2021, as a member of the Russian-German Master Program for Polar and Marine Sciences (POMOR). Her Master’s Thesis “Postglacial vegetation and climate history of the Northern Lake Onega Region inferred from palynological record of razlomnoe peatbog” was highly regarded by the Russian-German Scientific Committee [...]

2021-10-18T11:50:13-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , |

Welcome our new BAP team member, Dr. Jana Gliwa!

We have a new BAP team member! Dr. Pavel Tarasov introduces her to the team: Let me introduce a new member of the BAP Berlin team - Dr. Jana Gliwa. Last year, Jana accomplished her PhD project with the highest possible note (Summa cum laude) and applied for a 3-year post-doctoral project, which was granted by the DFG. She will start this BAP-associated project in 2022. Dr. Jana Gliwa is a post-doctoral researcher currently based at the Eurasia Department [...]

2021-08-20T10:32:40-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , |
Quaternary International June 2021

Lateglacial and Holocene changes in vegetation and human subsistence around Lake Zhizhitskoye, East European midlatitudes, derived from radiocarbon-dated pollen and archaeological records

Tarasov PE, Savelieva LA, Kobe F, Korotkevich BS, Long T, Kostromina NA, Leipe C

The numerous lake and peat sedimentary archives of Central European Russia are ideal for studying the Lateglacial–Holocene climate and vegetation history of the region. However, robustly dated palaeoenvironmental records have only become available in the last decade and are still few and far between. Together with the continuously growing archaeological record and increasing focus on absolute dating of cultural assemblages, such records, where available, offer an excellent opportunity to study human-environment interactions in the region. For this study [...]

2022-09-01T10:25:05-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , , |
Science Advances September 2019

Franziska Kobe article published in Quaternary International

Leipe C, Long T, Sergusheva EA, Wagner M, Tarasov PE

Some great news from Pavel Tarasov in Berlin! Congratulations to Pavel Tarasov, Franziska Kobe, Larissa Savelieva, Christian Leipe and all co-authors on the publication of their recent on the publication of their recent article in the Quaternary International! Title: Lateglacial and Holocene changes in vegetation and human subsistence around Lake Zhizhitskoye, East European midlatitudes, derived from radiocarbon-dated pollen and archaeological records Authors: Tarasov PE, Savelieva LA, Kobe F, Korotkevich BS, Long T, Kostromina NA, Leipe C. Abstract: The numerous lake and [...]

2021-07-26T13:49:12-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , |