
Happy Lunar New Year Greetings from Dr. Mayke Wagner, Dr. Pavel Tarasov and their Berlin team!

The Dragon rests again in deep spring, The Snake moves on the high mountain. That's what it says in Chinese on the enclosed postcard, and that's what happened on the night of 29 January. What should we expect from the year of the Snake? ‘Transformation and love, of course!’ a folklorist friend wrote to us. ‘The Legend of the White Snake’ is one of the four best-known folk tales in China and has been recognised as part of the [...]

2025-02-26T12:20:48-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , |

Vegetation and fire history of the Lake Baikal Region since 32 ka BP reconstructed through microcharcoal and pollen analysis of lake sediment from Cis- and Trans-Baikal

With the increase in global wildfire activity in response to global climate warming, the reconstruction of long-term fire histories and their links to environmental and anthropogenic factors has recently become an important focus of palaeoenvironmental research. Here we compare the precisely radiocarbon (14C) dated long-term histories of vegetation change and fire activity from lakes Ochaul (Cis-Baikal) and Kotokel (Trans-Baikal) in the Lake Baikal Region (LBR) of Siberia, a known source region of wildfires whose past and future relationships [...]

Aleksandra Krikunova article published in Quaternary Science Reviews!

Congratulations to Aleksandra Krikunova and co-authors on the recent publication of their article in Quaternary Science Reviews! Title: Vegetation and fire history of the Lake Baikal Region since 32 ka BP reconstructed through microcharcoal and pollen analysis of lake sediment from Cis- and Trans-Baikal Authors: Krikunova AI, Kobe F, Long T, Leipe C,  Gliwa J, Shchetnikov AA, Olschewski P, Hoelzmann, P, Wagner M, Bezrukova EV,  Tarasov, PE. Abstract: With the increase in global wildfire activity in response to global climate [...]

2024-09-05T12:23:51-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

New BAP book published! Three-Volume Shamanka II monograph out now!

Great news! A monumental achievement! After many years of blood, sweat and tears, we offer BIG congratulations to Editors Andrzej W. Weber, Vladimir I. Bazaliiskii, Erin Jessup and all contributing authors on the publication of their new three-volume book! The book was published and funded by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German Archaeological Society). A BIG thank you to Series Editors Mayke Wagner and Dominic Hosner for all their hard work bringing this epic project to fruition. The monograph [...]

2025-02-20T11:08:55-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Team Berlin paper is top 10 most-cited papers published by Journal of Quaternary Science

Congratulations to Team Berlin as their paper is one of the top 10 most-cited papers published by Journal of Quaternary Science! Title: Not herbs and forbs alone: pollen-based evidence for the presence of boreal trees and shrubs in Cis-Baikal (Eastern Siberia) derived from the Last Glacial Maximum sediment of Lake Ochaul Authors: Kobe, F., Leipe, C., Shchetnikov, A.A., Hoelzmann, P., Gliwa, J., Olschewski, P., Goslar, T., Wagner, M., Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E. This work was published as part of [...]

2024-04-29T11:04:58-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Dr. Kobe successfully defends PhD dissertation!

Congratulations to Dr. Franziska Kobe, BAP PhD student at Freie Universitaet Berlin for successfully defending her PhD dissertation on April 28th! Franziska says she was so happy to finish this important step in her life and it was unique to have her defense on her birthday, no less! Commission:   Prof. Dr. Pavel E. Tarasov (reviewer) Prof. Dr. Mayke Wagner (reviewer) Prof. Dr. Frank Riedel (commission leader) Prof. Dr. Serge A. Shapiro (deputy commission leader) Dr. Philipp Hoelzmann (protocol) [...]

2022-05-03T13:26:19-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Special Issue of Quaternary International with Christian Leipe and Mayke Wagner as Guest Editors recently published!

The new Special Issue ‘Holocene Environments, Human Subsistence and Adaptation in Northern and Eastern Eurasia’ (Vol. 623) has recently been published in Quaternary International with Christian Leipe and Mayke Wagner as Guest Editors! Link to Special issue: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/quaternary-international/vol/623/suppl/C This issue contains a number of interesting articles for our BAP team. Thank you to Dr. Christian Leipe for sharing this great news! His message below: Christian Leipe, Tengwen Long, Patrick Wertmann and Mayke Wagner have guest-edited this special issue launched as [...]

2022-04-27T15:03:01-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Special Issue: Holocene environments, human subsistence and adaptation in northern and eastern Eurasia

All 14 articles combine palaeoenvironmental with archaeological data to create new knowledge and thought-provoking conclusions. Six teams concentrated on the reconstruction of past climate and environmental changes; three articles focus on early grain crop dispersal, one on the use of beans, one on the use of aquatic resources, and one on the role of sheep and horse as well as wild plant and animal species in subsistence economies; one author relates long-term coastal changes to cultural development; and [...]

2023-05-02T11:17:48-06:00Categories: Publications, Special Issues|Tags: , , , , , |

“The invention of trousers” exhibition at State Museum of Archaeology, Chemnitz

The State Museum of Archaeology in Chemnitz (https://www.smac.sachsen.de/) has a long tradition of bringing results of archaeological research to the public. One of the effective forms of their work are the “foyer exhibitions.” https://www.smac.sachsen.de/foyerausstellungen-erfindung-der-hose.html The recent exhibition in the museum’s foyer – “The invention of trousers” (opened from 11 March until May 8th, 2022, access free of charge) – highlights the results of the international research project "Silk Road Fashion" led by Prof. Mayke Wagner (German Archaeological Institute) and [...]

2022-03-31T12:39:11-06:00Categories: News, Media & Public Outreach|Tags: , , |

Happy New Year of the Tiger

https://baikalproject.artsrn.ualberta.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Happy_Year_of_the_Tiger.mp4 The night of January 31­ – February 1, 2022: The Ox exhausted at Winter's End trots away. Young Tiger in Spring leaps up. A special New Year’s message from Prof. Dr. Mayke Wagner and Prof. Dr. Pavel Tarasov: Dear friends and colleagues, The time of the third of the twelve earth branches begins and brings with it the zodiac sign "Tiger", a limitless brave, just and majestic guardian. In China it is said that the Jade [...]

2022-01-26T21:22:31-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , |