
Dr. Angela Lieverse article published in International Journal of Paleopathology

Congratulations to Dr. Angela Lieverse and co-authors, including former BAP team members Tatiana Nomokonova and Robert Losey, on the recent publication of their paper in International Journal of Paleopathology! Title: ‘Multi-level spondylolysis at Egiin Gol: A case from Xiongnu period Mongolia" Authors: Angela R. Lieverse, Iderkhangai Tumer-Ochir, Orgilbayar Samdantsoodol, Tatiana Nomokonova, Robert Losey Abstract:  Objective: This paper presents and discusses the aetiology of an extreme case of multi-level spondylolysis with unique presentation. Materials: The affected individual is an [...]

2025-03-04T11:49:43-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , , |

BAP article published in Radiocarbon!

Great News! Congratulations to BAP team members Rick Schulting, Ian Scharlotta, Angela Lieverse, Erin Jessup, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Vladimir Bazaliiskii and Andrzej Weber on the recent publication of their article in Radiocarbon! Radiocarbon (January 2025), pp 1-13. Title: A 350 14C yr discrepancy between bone and tooth dates from the same grave at the Early Neolithic cemetery of Shamanka II, Lake Baikal, southern Siberia: reservoir effects or a misplaced mandible? Authors: Schulting RJ, Scharlotta I, Lieverse A, Jessup [...]

2025-01-22T14:11:55-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , |

A 350 14C yr discrepancy between bone and tooth dates from the same grave at the Early Neolithic cemetery of Shamanka II, Lake Baikal, southern Siberia: reservoir effects or a misplaced mandible?

A 350 14C yr discrepancy was found between dates on postcranial remains and mandibular teeth on what was thought to be the same individual from the Early Neolithic cemetery of Shamanka II, Lake Baikal. Stable nitrogen isotope results suggested a major shift in diet between childhood (when the teeth formed) and adulthood (represented by the postcrania), which could have resulted in different 14C ages through a freshwater reservoir effect. Subsequent additional dating on the mandible and postcranial elements, however, indicated [...]

Lauren Michelman BAP thesis published in International Journal of Osteoarchaeology!

Congratulations to Lauren Michelman, former Master's student supervised by Dr. Angela Lieverse, University of Saskatachewan, on the recent publication of her BAP thesis in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology! Title: Reading between the lines: A study of Harris lines in Middle Holocene foragers of the Cis-Baikal Authors: Michelman LM, Bazaliiskii VI, Weber AW, Lieverse AR. Abstract: With the increase in global wildfire activity in response to global climate warming, the reconstruction of long-term fire histories and their links to environmental and anthropogenic factors [...]

2024-09-05T13:37:33-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Reading between the lines: A study of Harris lines in Middle Holocene foragers of the Cis-Baikal

Harris lines (HLs) are radiographically visible transverse lines of thickened bone that develop from temporary growth cessation during early life. Often attributed to physiological stress during development, HLs are frequently observed in the long bones of adolescents and become less visible over time due to bone remodeling. In recent years, the validity of HL as a sign of stress has been called into question and the methods used in studying HL through X-ray analysis scrutinized. In this study, [...]

New BAP book published! Three-Volume Shamanka II monograph out now!

Great news! A monumental achievement! After many years of blood, sweat and tears, we offer BIG congratulations to Editors Andrzej W. Weber, Vladimir I. Bazaliiskii, Erin Jessup and all contributing authors on the publication of their new three-volume book! The book was published and funded by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German Archaeological Society). A BIG thank you to Series Editors Mayke Wagner and Dominic Hosner for all their hard work bringing this epic project to fruition. The monograph [...]

2025-02-20T11:08:55-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Shamanka II: An Early Neolithic cemetery on the southwest shore of Lake Baikal, Siberia. Archaeological and Osteological Materials

Archaeology in China and East Asia Volume 9 This three-volume book presents the long-awaited comprehensive archaeological, chronological, and bioarchaeological studies of Shamanka II site, the largest completely excavated cemetery of the Early Neolithic Kitoi culture dated to ca. 7,560–6,660 years cal BP. It is a monument to some thirty years of research by the Baikal Archaeology Project (BAP). This multidisciplinary international project provides insights into the individual life histories of Holocene hunter-gatherers in Northern Eurasia during times of [...]

Dr. Angela Lieverse presents at Paleopathology Society Annual Meeting

Dr. Angela Lieverse presented a poster, with our BAP colleagues as co-authors, at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Society, held in Los Angeles, March 18-20, 2024. Title: Postcranial trauma in the Middle Holocene Cis-Baikal Authors: Lieverse AR, Schulting RJ, Bazaliiskii VI, Goriunova OI, Kharinskii AA, Weber AW

2024-03-21T13:28:36-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

BAP Symposium at the SAA 88th Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, organized by Corrie Hyland and Karolina Werens

Corrie Hyland and Karolina Werens, our BAP PhD students from University fof Oxford, recently organized a BAP Symposium at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Portland, Oregon, March 29-April 2, 2023. SYMPOSIUM  NORTHEAST ASIAN PREHISTORIC HUNTER-GATHER LIFEWAYS: MULTIDISCIPLINARY, INDIVIDUAL LIFE HISTORY APPROACH Chairs: Corrie Hyland and Karolina Werens Andrzej Weber: Discussant Andrzej Weber and Olga Goriunova: Early Bronze Age Cemeteries on Lake Baikal, Siberia: Their History and Patterns of Use Corrie Hyland, Rick Schulting, Amy Styring and Andrzej Weber: [...]

2023-03-31T13:46:19-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Lauren Michelman successfully passes Master’s thesis!

Congratulations to Lauren Michelman, Master's student at University of Saskatchewan, for successfully passing her thesis on November 4th! Lauren was supervised by Dr. Angela Lieverse. Committee members were Tatiana Nomokonova (Department of Archaeology and Anthropology) and David Cooper (College of Medicine). The external examiner was Julia Boughner (College of Medicine, USask). Title: "Harris Lines as Indicators of Physiological Stress in the Middle Holocene Cis-Baikal" Way to go, Lauren! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors! See [...]

2022-11-08T10:41:40-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , |