
Rebecca Bourgeois and co-authors article published in Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University!

Congratulations to Rebecca Bourgeois and co-authors on the recent publication of their article in Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University, Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. Title: Bioarchaeological Analysis of Human Remains from the Destroyed Early Neolithic Cemetery of Moty – Novaia Shamanka (Cis-Baikal) Authors: Bourgeois RL, Weber AW, Bazaliiskii VI, McKenzie HG, Lieverse AR. Abstract: Moty – Novaia Shamanka (MNS) is an Early Neolithic (7560–6660 HPD cal BP) destroyed Kitoi cemetery, located on the lower Irkut River in Siberia. [...]

2022-05-11T10:45:38-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

Bioarchaeological Analysis of Human Remains from the Destroyed Early Neolithic Cemetery of Moty – Novaia Shamanka (Cis-Baikal)

Moty – Novaia Shamanka (MNS) is an Early Neolithic (7560–6660 HPD cal BP) destroyed Kitoi cemetery, located on the lower Irkut River in Siberia. In 2014–2015, small rescue excavations were conducted by archaeologists from Irkutsk State University. MNS dates to the period between the two phases of use identified at the nearby Shamanka II Kitoi cemetery (Southwest Baikal). This paper presents the results of a bioarchaeological study of the human skeletal remains from MNS and discusses these findings [...]

2024-05-07T09:50:18-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , , , , |

Dr. Angela Lieverse article published in Anthropological Science!

Congratulations to Dr. Angela Lieverse and co-authors on the publication of their recent article in Anthropological Science! Title: Pediatric mandibular osteomyelitis: a probable case from Okhotsk period (5th–13th century AD) northern Japan Authors: Lieverse AR, Kubo D, Bourgeois RL, Matsumura H, Yoneda M, Ishida H Abstract: This paper discusses a probable case of pediatric mandibular osteomyelitis (OM) from the east Hokkaido Okhotsk (5th–13th century AD) site of Moyoro, Japan. The remains of a young child present an unusual [...]

2021-11-26T12:20:16-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , |

Rebecca Bourgeois paper published in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, June 2021

Congratulations to Rebecca Bourgeois on her recent article published in the Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports June 2021! Also congratulations to BAP co-authors Vladimir I. Bazaliiskii, Hugh McKenzie and Angela Lieverse. Title: A four-stage approach to re-associating fragmented and commingled human remains Authors: Bourgeois RL, Bazaliiskii VI, McKenzie H, Clark TN, Lieverse AR Abstract: Bioarchaeological and forensic anthropological methods are limited in their ability to re-associate human skeletal remains that have been both fragmented and commingled. Although many methods [...]

2021-05-19T10:57:26-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

A four-stage approach to re-associating fragmented and commingled human remains

Bioarchaeological and forensic anthropological methods are limited in their ability to re-associate human skeletal remains that have been both fragmented and commingled. Although many methods for individualizing commingled remains exist, they are rendered ineffective when the level of fragmentation is high. In these contexts, human remains are often approached similarly to faunal assemblages, regarded as sets of fragmented elements rather than as groups of fragments representing an individual. This paper introduces a new, four-stage approach to identifying discrete [...]

2022-06-08T10:08:06-06:00Categories: Publications, Journal Articles|Tags: , , , |

Rebecca Bourgeois successfully defends Master’s thesis!

Congratulations to Rebecca Bourgeois, Master's student at University of Saskatchewan, for successfully defending her thesis on July 31st! Rebecca was co-supervised by Dr. Angela Lieverse and Dr. Hugh McKenzie. Title: "A Multimethod Approach to Reassociating Fragmented and Commingled Human Remains: An example from the Cis-Baikal Region of Siberia, Russia" Way to go, Rebecca! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors! See Rebecca’s profile here:

2020-09-29T13:15:40-06:00Categories: News|Tags: , , |

International Day of Women & Girls in Science!

February 11th was the International Day of Women & Girls in Science. We'd like to take this opportunity to celebrate the wonderful women of BAP.* We're lucky to have you! *Newest addition to our BAP Women in Science group: Karolina Werens, MSc Archaeological Science, University of Oxford!

Rebecca Bourgeois and Lauren Michelman present at Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology Annual Meetings

BAP was well represented by our University of Saskatchewan graduate students at the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology 47th Annual Meetings held in Banff, Alberta, October 23-26, 2019. Rebecca Bourgeois presented a poster entitled: “Reconstructing Moy-Novaia-Shamanka, Siberia, Russia: Preliminary Analysis.” Rebecca L. Bourgeois, Angela R. Lieverse, Hugh G. McKenzie, Vladimir I. Bazaliiskii. Lauren Michelman presented a poster entitled: “Harris lines as indicators of physiological stress in the middle Holocene Cis-Baikal.” Lauren M. Michelman, Angela R. Lieverse. Link to Meeting: [...]

2019-11-18T12:17:24-07:00Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

Rebecca Bourgeois and Lauren Michelman interviewed by MacEwan University Bachelor of Communication Studies documentary film team

University of Saskatchewan MA students, Rebecca Bourgeois and Lauren Michelman, were interviewed yesterday by the MacEwan University Bachelor of Communication Studies documentary film team that travelled to Siberia with the BAP crew. They are working in the lab in Irkutsk, Russia, and did a great job explaining their research projects! To see Rebecca's and Lauren's BAP graduate student profiles, go here:  

2019-06-10T10:19:31-06:00Categories: News, Media & Public Outreach|Tags: , |

Rebecca Bourgeois presents at Canadian Archaeological Association Annual Meeting

In 2019, the conjoint Annual Meetings of the Canadian Archaeological Association and the Association des archéologues de Québec were held in Quebec City, May 15-18, 2019. Rebecca Bourgeois, our BAP Master’s student from University of Saskatchewan supervised by Dr. Angela Lieverse and Dr. Hugh McKenzie, presented a talk entitled: “Reorienting Bioarchaeology for an Era of Reconciliation: The Informed Behavioural Model.” Rebecca is second from left on the photo. Link to Meeting:

2019-05-24T11:34:25-06:00Categories: News|Tags: |